Besides its mainstream activities, ASTI is also involved in a number of income-generating services including:


Translation services


Interpretation Services

including a modern Interpretation Equipment for hire


Terminology services

ASTI translation Bureau

The ASTI translation Bureau serves the following purposes:
  • Generate income for the Institution;
  • Give opportunity to ASTI to have a training ground for teachers to be ;
  • Give ASTI the opportunity to send students on practicum in modern translation bureau so as to acquaint them with basic requirements in the translation market today;
  • Generate a bilingual corpus for research in terminology and translation studies as a whole

ASTI Interpretation Services

The ASTI Interpretation Service serve the following purpose:
  • Generate income for the Institution;
  • Give opportunity to ASTI to have a training ground for interpreters to be;
  • Give ASTI the opportunity to send interpretation students on practicum in conferences so as to acquaint them with normal working circumstances in an interpreter’s booth.

ASTI Terminology Services (ASTI TermBank)

  • One of the main research interest areas at ASTI is terminology. Dozens of MA thesis defended at ASTI over the past 20 years are on terminology and phraseology in large variety of domains.
  • We are currently updating theses works and increasing the number of fields explored so that we can constitute a term bank professional translators and interpreters can use for their work.
  • We can also work on any domain as the need arises.
  • Any company can contact us for our expertise.